Join Jo at one of her FREE Introductory workshops – learn about doTERRA essential oils and their hundreds of therapeutic applications for your health, self-care and emotions, as well as around the home to replace synthetic beauty and cleaning products.
Saturday 6th April @ 11am – Grey Lynn Wednesday 10th April @ 10.30am – Grey Lynn Thursday 25th April @ 7pm – Grey Lynn Wednesday 1st May @ 10.30am – Grey Lynn
Therapeutic support we'll cover include:
- Sleep more restfully - Ease aches and pains - Feel calmer and less anxious - Ease everyday ailments such as head tension, cuts and scrapes, skin irritations - Support allergies and respiratory health - Promote immune health and recovery - Enhance energy and focus - Promote healthy metabolism and weight - Create a chemical free home
You'll also have the opportunity to purchase these gorgeous oils at wholesale price, and join our beautiful community of like-minded friends.
Please RSVP to Jo – 021991525 / jo@flourishgroup.co.nz (Address provided upon RSVP)
If you are interested but can’t make it to any of these sessions, please get in touch and I’ll give you more dates