Update: Both Queen Street Physiotherapy and Northwest Physio + Kumeu clinics will remain closed till level 2.
Once level 2 is announced then we will let you know when clinics will reopen.
I am in good spirits doing work on renovations on our new home, baking, running and lots of lie- ins.
I am continuing to do weekly Yin Yoga class online and when I get back to work will be starting a regularly Yin class on Zoom which clients can join.
New Yin yoga class for the shoulders, worth a watch even to pick some exercise which may suit you. https://www.boothsportstherapy.com/post/yin-yoga-class-no-4-shoulders
My online diary is open from the 11th of May, the likelihood it will be later in the week or the follow week till back in the clinic but if you are booked in then no need to cancel, we can just rearrange.
There will be some changes during level 2 for example longer spaces between appointments (extra cleaning, no waiting area) and using couch roll only.
Till we can review in level 1.
Sending my best wishes
See you soon